A Site Visit & Research to CBWEE Attended by MIIT Working Group
[ Author:cbwee  Date:2020-03-04  Views:13583 ]

On the morning of the third day of March 2020, the delegation comprised of officers from MIIT work-resumption working group paid a site visit & research to CBWEE in the company of inspectors from Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department and, officers from Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology, Chenghua District government and Longtan Administration Committee. Mr. He Hua –Chairman & General Manager, Mr. Zhu Pinchao – Vice Chairman and Mrs. Li Dan – GM Assistant from CBWEE attended as well.

The Group firstly visited the CBWEE exhibition hall for better understanding of its profile, history, scientific research achievements, business distribution and, reputation won in automobile field, etc…

Then they went to our workshop for understanding of face mask machine R&D and for which Mr. Zhu who is responsible briefed the technical key points, production schedule and delivery time, etc. 

CBWEE was chosen and entrusted by Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department for the R&D of face mask machine after the NCP happened. As a timely response, a special team was assigned and worked over days and nights to successfully deliver 3 sets of model machines within 8 days since the day entrusted.

CBWEE should install & commission the machines and consequently deliver them to dedicated enterprises for face mask production successfully within 5 days counted from the day identified on handover sheet, according to the requirement “Speeding up batch production of face mask machine, especially 20 sets of machines shall be batch produced within 10 days” came up with on the dedicated conference presided by Chengdu deputy mayor on 15th February. The installation & commissioning is currently undertaking and a total of 40 sets will be gradually delivered.  

It has no doubt that the site visit of MIIT working group to CBWEE greatly encourages the work resumption especially during this very period which prevention & control of NCP comes to its critical point and enterprise work resumption begins. We believe in that CBWEE has the capability to resume work rapidly in the meanwhile of NCP prevention & control and consequently makes a big step in the field of intelligent manufacturing, thanks to the guidance & instruction from the Group and all CBWEE employees’ efforts.